
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fighting the cowards

There is a Mercy For Animals video that is out there about the dairy industry, asking folks not to consume dairy. I decided a long time ago not to add videos or photos of animals being mistreated just to give our readers a break from that. If you'd like to see the video I'm sure it's on the MFA website. And I should also add that Mike and I donate a lot of money to MFA because we absolutely believe in their work.

I felt compassion for the cows in the video. I wanted to take away their pain, suffering and fear. I wanted to stop the cowards who were inflicting these things on them.

My compassion extends to all living beings. I mean all. Not just dogs. Not just animals. All living beings. The video I watched this morning while enjoying my morning coffee surrounded by our furry companions brought the cruel reality that cowardly and weak people torture animals and feel good about it.

I wonder what happened to these people to make them so horrible that they have to beat or kick or instill fear into a living being just because they can.

And this is what the meat and dairy and egg industries are all about. This is what happens every day, every night, behind closed doors so everyone who eats the nicely packaged product has no clue how the it got there.

Well, these days they do. Every day that I see an undercover video I feel good that the story of cruelty and torture and fear is being told. The light shines on the cowards. In some cases, they are actually being charged with felony cruelty to animals.

I believe the best way to fight the way these folks treat animals is to not pay them. I mean don't financially support what they do by purchasing or consuming their product. Tell them that you abhor their actions by cutting them off.

Your employees brutalizes an animal; I support you no more. Your industry says it's OK to instill fear on animals and torture them before you kill them for meat; I say that I will not support your industry. You are a politician who takes money from and supports companies that treat animals this way; I say that I will not vote for you and I will fight against your support of cruelty.

Is this radical? No way. Radical is continually watching cowardly people kick, beat and torture animals without doing anything to stop them. Radical is saying "I know it's terrible how they treat those dairy cows" while chugging down a glass of milk.

Cruelty continues with permission. Let's take that away.

Thank you for reading. Please support those groups that are shining a light on animal cruelty and animal torture.


  1. I agree. The one thing I can do is not to support industries that tolerate and allow animal cruelty and this I will do once I become aware of it. In this regard, I cannot unlearn what I have already learned.

  2. Good morning Eric! Thank you for reading the blog!

  3. The people who commit routine cruelty are also creating their own suffering. Which is a good picture of how all our suffering is wrapped up together.

  4. Thanks for sharing your feelings about these practices, Dan. (My) Mike and I have had several discussions about being able to trace where our food comes from, and we are getting better at doing it. We want our children to know that we are doing our best to make choices to not oppress other creatures to ensure our own survival (and often, excess). I hope more people grow concerned about our connection to all of nature. We have found being conscious of injustices towards animals, and reflecting this consciousness in our shopping choices, can be difficult to navigate at first, but is ultimately very rewarding. You and Mike encourage us to continue on and make the best possible choices for all living things involved. You are so special to us! Take good care, Kim

    1. Kim! Thank you so much!I am sending you lots of love!

  5. YES! Yes to this a thousand times! It is so frustrating to me that someone can be outraged over someone beating a dog, then turn around and eat a hamburger that comes from a cow that was treated even worse. And then they look at me like I'm strange because I'm vegan. People really need to wake up and smell the abuse.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write! I am always so happy hearing from you!

  6. Awesome post. I will publish this excellent link on my facebook page.

    Thanks so much

    Big vegan hug!

  7. Hi! Thank you so much for your kind words and for passing the post along! And a big vegan hug right back to you! Dan

  8. Love, love, love this! Posted it to my facebook Dan! And twitter, of course :) You speak the we just need more people to listen! <3

    1. Thank you SO much! I felt really good writing it. More to come!

  9. Seeing someone else with the same level of compassion towards ALL living things is so refreshing. I am surrounded by people that do not feel this way so reading your blog is like a mind vacation for me. P.S we are following each other on Twitter and that's how I found your blog. I'm so glad I did. Thanks for making me feel better. :)

    Cheers, and keep on keepin' on!
